In 1931 Japan occupied Chinese Manchuria and a year later created the satellite status Manchukuo. The condemnation of the League of Nations (SDN) entail its abandonment this organization. Since 1937, Japan launched the occupation of China, is this conflict will infamous decision and subsequent slaughter of Nanking. In 1933 the Nazis came to power in Germany, as in France governing leftist coalition Popular Front with this endpoint is set to the Franco-German agreement that He had reached the late 20s Since that time Hitler's Germany wrath progressively violating the terms of the Versailles Treaty, first with the remilitarization of the Rhineland (1936), after the occupation of Austria (1938) and
finally a general reset. This was possible thanks to their approach to Italy Mussolini, the Germans were the only support they had when Italy occupied Abyssinia (1935) then they fought together in the Spanish civil war to end the republic and akin to implement a new military dictatorship. Despite this Mussolini enjoyed prestige among Western leaders, who considered him an example for its success in the containment of revolutionary movements. Therefore mediator will Mussolini They are called Munich Agreement (1938) where English (N. Chamberlain) and French (E. Daladier) accepted the partial dismemberment of Czechoslovakia following a policy of appeasement with Hitler. Germany did not respect the agreement in Munich and fully occupied Czechoslovakia, Mussolini invaded meanwhile
Albania. Munich agreements worried the Soviet Union (USSR) Stalin, he feared a possible alliance between Germany anticommunist, democracies Western and Japan (Japan and the USSR remained a border war for few months). Stalin finally manages to gain time by signing a nonaggression pact
Hitler (Molotov-Ribbentrop pact), in which the secret clauses included partition of Poland after his future invasion. Shortly after signing the USSR peace and neutrality with Japan, also ensuring its borders in the east. The September 1, 1939, after an advertising campaign claiming germanizad of the Free City of Danzig (Polish protectorate), and after a false pretense border attack, the German army invaded Poland. A few days after France and the United Kingdom declared war on Germany, so the war begins.
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